
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Journey

Well here I am! I am in the Golden State. We left yesterday morning at 6 o'clock and we arrived at 11 o'clock last night. Two hours earlier then expected. We took short stops and ate lunch in the car at a rest stop. I think that was the reason that we got here so much earlier. Nothing interesting happened on the trip. Nothing worth talking about anyway. We stopped in Las Vegas for dinner at In 'n' Out with Dad's friend Tod. There was a limo in the parking lot and me and Faith were excited about the possibilities of seeing a celebrity. We were very disappointed.

I am at Aunt Brenda's house right now. Faith and I spent the whole day swimming. Tonight we're staying at Aunt Laurie's and we're going to the beach tomorrow. Will write about that when the time comes.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Haircuts and California

As you can see, I got a haircut yesterday. Actually, me and Faith and Matthew (my siblings) all got haircuts, but I was the only one who did something different. I'm still getting used to it, but I should have done so soon.

Other then this, my exciting news is that I'm going to California tomorrow. That's 18 hours with no stops. Well, except for bathroom breaks and getting more gas for the car. I'm not thrilled about the drive, but it'll be an adventure, and if there's one thing I know about me, it's that I love adventure. Upon arriving at our long sought destination, it will be 1:00 in the morning, and we will crash on Aunt Brenda's couches. If all goes as planned that is. Our plans for our stay? Disneyland, the beach, and all the food places that we don't get in Colorado. Mom is flying out on the 5th or 6th of August, so it'll just be me, Faith, Matthew and Dad on the road trip. Yes I doubt that I will forget this vacation anytime soon, and I am determined to make the best of it. Stay tuned for more later.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Last Night

Wow. Last night was fun. I'm not sure where to begin, so I'll just begin at the beginning.

I skyped Melissa sometime in the afternoon. She said she wanted to go to Lauren's concert, but couldn't find a ride. I said that we could take her, and Dad agreed. I called Taylor to tell her the change of plans and she freaked out because she hasn't seen Melissa since December. She told me the concert was at six, but Lauren emailed me and said that it was at seven. I told her that and she said her mom must have got the wrong information. We hung up after that.

Right after doing so, Dad told me to call her back so he could talk to Miss Bridget (Taylor's mom) about dropping Melissa off at home after the concert (Melissa lives kind of far away). So I called back, gave the phone to my Dad, and went downstairs to check my email. Dad hung up with Miss Bridget and called down to me that the concert actually was at six, and Lauren gave me the wrong information. Guess what time it was? 5:00. I still had to get ready, pick up Melissa and Taylor and try to make it to the concert on time.

I called Melissa and told her about the misunderstanding and she said that it was no problem, she was already ready. I threw on my sundress, brushed my hair, and grabbed something to eat in the car. Naturally, on the way to Melissa's, we were forced to stop at every red light. We picked her up, and practically flew to Taylor's house where Dad talked with Miss Bridget, and Melissa and I said hello to Gweny (Taylor's dog).

By the time we arrived at the church where the concert was to be held it was 5:55 and we had five minutes to find seats. We went inside and found the Ballews (Lauren's family) with no trouble at all. We sat with them for the first half of the concert when Lauren wasn't playing. Then the second half began and we couldn't see her, so we moved to other seats and we still couldn't see her. We ended up finding our way into the balcony where we could see her perfectly. I remember they played "August Rhapsody," a song from my favorite movie, August Rush. We left the balcony during the second to last song and went back to sit with the Ballews.

Lauren and her stand partner had a solo in the last song, but it was really short and we didn't catch it. We gave her a standing ovation when it was over, and continued talking about how good she was for a while after. Miss Bridget showed up then, and Taylor had the brilliant idea to go to Razuto's for ice cream. Miss Bridget said it was fine with her, so Melissa and I called home to see if it was okay. We both got the thumbs up.

We talked to some people before going outside to find two people I knew from speech class so Taylor could introduce herself. We couldn't find them. I don't know what it was, but we got really hyper when we got outside. Maybe it was sitting still all that time. I didn't think of it then, but maybe ice cream wasn't the best idea in the world....

Upon showing up at Razuto's, we all decided that it would be a good idea to sit outside. Mr. Ballew's comment about "disturbing the peace" was what sealed the deal. We all ordered our ice cream and went outside. Taylor, Melissa, Lauren and me crowded four chairs to a table that was only meant for two. Mr. and Mrs. Ballew, Miss Bridget, and Jenna (Lauren's younger sister), sat in the trunk of Miss Bridget's car. Now that I think about it, the car was a ways away from us. Maybe they didn't want their peace disturbed either.

We weren't as loud as I thought we would be. Which is a big surprise. I saw three more people I knew from speech class at Razuto's. Maybe they were following me or something. I don't even remember what me and my friends talked about, but I do remember that "Don't look!" became our new inside joke. I also remember that we planned the best two days ever. We'd start out at Melissa's house and walk to Subway for lunch at 2:00, then we'd go to my house and swim at 6:00, then we'd go to Lauren's house to sleep over, and finally, we'd go to Taylor's house in the morning to hang out. Having best friends is so much fun.

But then came the dreaded task of going home. We said goodbye to Lauren and the Ballews, and Taylor, Melissa, Miss Bridget and I piled into Miss Bridget's car to drop Melissa off at home. We stayed at her house a long time talking with Mrs. Bannister (Melissa's mom), and being entertained by Jeremy (Melissa's little brother). After that, we said goodbye, and went to drop me off at home. We did so uneventfully.

That was definitely a fun night. I crashed on my bed after that, very tired, but it was a good tired. More later.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lauren's concert

Hey! Nothing much to report today. I'll be taking tap and Broadway dance next month with my best friend. Where I'm going to get shoes, I still don't know. I'll figure that out when the time comes. I suggested that we start a business together or something so we could earn the money for tap shoes. She hasn't responded yet. I guess I can ask Taylor where I should go to get shoes.

I'm going to my other best friend's symphony concert tonight. Lauren plays the violin. I've only been to one of her concerts before and it was fun. I have no doubt that this one will be fun too. Mom's taking me and Taylor, and Mrs. O'Canna is bringing us home. Maybe I should get flowers for Lauren.... I think she'd like that. More adventures soon to come.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Uritus and the Sword of Fire

I mentioned in my last post that I am a writer. I am currently writing a book called "Uritus and the Sword of Fire." Here is an excerpt from my book.

Uritus found her in an orchard leaning against a tree, absorbed in a leather bound book. He didn't approach her right away. For a while he just stood there. Watching her. She wasn't doing anything interesting. Occasionally she'd flip a page, but that was about it. And something about it was intriguing in a strange way. It wasn't long before he felt a presence at his side. He turned to see who it was, and found himself looking into Uriah's pale blue eyes.

Uritus looked away, searching for an explanation to why he was watching her. He could find none.

Uriah studied his pupil for a moment before turning to watch Adi as well.

A few moments went by before Uritus finally turned to his teacher and said, "Okay! I know she's getting married soon and I know we're worlds apart and I know I'm not supposed to fall in love with her. But I also know that no man, no matter how great can control love. Because believe me, if I could I would considering all the pain love has caused me over the years." He stopped speaking as he realized he had just confessed to falling in love with the princess. He hung his head, afraid to look at his teacher, and ready to receive the words of discipline the lay ready to pounce from the Wizard's tongue.

But that was the farthest thing from what he got. The Wizard placed a hand under his apprentice's chin and lifted his head up. Uriah wore a sad smile on his face and he looked deep into Uritus's eyes as he spoke. "I understand," he said. "She is an amazing young woman and she deserves far better than that Oregano fella'."

"Basil," Uritus corrected.

"Right, Basil. But she has a duty to her country and she is mature enough to understand that," he sighed before continuing. "You have matured too, Uritus. You are nearing your seventeenth year, and you are becoming more a man and less a boy every day. You have experienced more pain in your first fourteen years then anyone should have to experience in a lifetime. As your guardian, I wish only the best for you. Whether she is the best for you, I do not know. But maybe you should get to know her better. I have a feeling there is more to Adiadni Vindella then meets the eye."

Taken from Chapter 11: Understanding Adi.


This is the first blog I've ever had and I'm really excited to start blogging. What do you need to know about me . . . well I'm a writer. I write books, plays, movies and anything else that I can think to write. I'm excited to go to California next month. Disneyland is so much fun. More later.
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